Sunday, April 26, 2009

5 Ways to Become a Better Programmer

Here are five easy ways to become a better programmer. Think of these more as a mindset, rather than a checklist of things to do. If you follow these steps and make them attitudes, you will grow in programming by leaps and bounds.

1. Write Programs - Ok, I know this sounds like a no-brainer. Really though, it all starts by typing code. Often starting here can help you ask the right questions, and really help you with some of the things further down the list. Check out my post on tips and resources for coming up with programs to write.
2. Spend Time on Forums - Forums can be a great place to ask questions and learn about all kinds of programming topics. Don't worry if some of it (or a lot of it) goes over your head. Keep browsing and interact when you can. As long as you ask questions in the right manner (most programming forums have a sticky about this: READ IT!) forum-goers are generally a helpful lot. This is also a good place to do number 3...
3. Look at Other's Code - This can be a great help when you are looking for programs to write, if you are stuck in a program, or just want to learn something new. Looking at other's code can help you find shortcuts in syntax and show you quicker ways of doing things. Also, reading another person's code is an invaluable skill: Get good at it!
4. Look Up What You Don't Know - This is probably the most important one of the bunch. It works along with all of the other steps. If something goes over your head, or you can't seem to work something out, ask and research. There is so much information in the computer world it is impossible to have a handle on even half of it. Asking questions and researching any piece of information can help you learn much quicker. This is a life concept I try to implement every day. From acronyms to programming concepts, to words - If you stop to look things up, you will gain in knowledge very quickly then if you just gloss over things.

And now for some shameless promoting...
5. Read This Blog - Surfing the web in general for Programming info is a great idea. I try to point you to the good stuff to make your search a little easier and provide little tidbits of knowledge on various topics. I hope you find this blog useful.

So there you have it, five ways to becoming a better programmer. More to come in the future I am sure, but these are some concepts I have found invaluable. Happy learning...